SearchGPT vs ChatGPT: What is the Difference?

SearchGPT vs ChatGPT: What is the Difference?

In the era of strong technology development, Open AI wants to bring artificial intelligence closer to humans. SearchGPT vs ChatGPT are both products of Open AI, providing many advanced experiences, optimizing performance, saving time and effort.

1. Introduction to SearchGPT

SearchGPT is a new feature that marks a new step forward in the field of information search technology introduced by Open AI on July 25. Search Algorithm provides feedback based on user queries through a conversational interface with selected, accurate information and citations.

Conversational Search works thanks to sophisticated algorithms and advanced AI models that can understand deep context. Intelligent Search responds to queries intuitively without depending on keywords like traditional search engines.

Introduction to SearchGPT
SearchGPT provide up-to-date information in response to user queries

Outstanding features:

  • Intuitive query: Interact with users on a conversational interface that responds quickly to user commands.
  • Big data: Search Algorithm owns a 32K token context window with continuously updated data
  • Fast response speed: Optimize user query time with 202 tokens/second response.
  • Diverse conversational search with multi-modal response capabilities based on text and images.
  • Source information: Open AI cooperates with publishers to provide more reputable and reliable information.


  • Optimal cost and time solution.
  • Convenient and reliable.
  • Smart search without ads.
  • Selective querying brings relevant, high-quality results.


  • SearchGPT is currently a “test prototype” so it may need to be updated and improved continuously.
  • Focusing on providing search results may be difficult to interpret and reason.

2. Introduction to ChatGPT

ChatGPT is trained Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback, a powerful natural language processing platform developed by Open AI.

Conversational AI supports users to optimize performance in flexible task processing, summarizing text, creating content, decoding, translating, etc.

Introduction to ChatGPT
ChatGPT provided advice on planting fast-maturing tomato varieties in Minnesota

Outstanding features:

  • Optimizing performance: Responding quickly within seconds helps users save time and effort in manual implementation.
  • Enhancing user experience: AI Chatbot can personalize according to habits and behaviors based on query history, thereby providing the right response according to needs
  • Unlimited creativity: Powerful natural language processing capabilities create diverse content from marketing, essay writing, poetry composition, musical theater, translation.


  • Saves time and effort.
  • Optimizes costs.
  • Increases work efficiency.
  • Highly applicable and diverse in many fields.


  • Relies on pre-programmed data, no real-time web access.
  • Sometimes misunderstands the context with complex commands.

3. Overview comparison of SearchGPT vs ChatGPT

SearchGPT and ChatGPT represent two distinct approaches to leveraging AI for information retrieval and interaction. While both models are built on advanced language models, SearchGPT is specifically designed as a search engine, prioritizing the delivery of relevant, up-to-date information in response to user queries, while ChatGPT excels as a conversational AI, generating human-like text formats and engaging in interactive dialogues.

SearchGPT ChatGPT
Similar Interact with users in the form of conversations.

Respond quickly within seconds.

Use advanced AI technology developed by Open AI.

Purpose Designed to provide in-depth, authoritative information. Focus on conversation, human interaction.
Information sources Based on real-time, authoritative web information. Pre-programmed information source updated until October 2023.
Technology Apply advanced AI models and sophisticated algorithms. GPT structure and Large Language Models improved through many generations GPT-3.5, GPT-4, GPT-4o mini.
Reliability and accuracy The response depends on the training data. Based on information sources from the web.
Updating capability No automatic update capability requires developer intervention. Automatically updated according to automatically updated data sources.
Response Type Provide selective query responses with citations and source links. Flexible and diverse response to multiple tasks of content creation, text summarization, and decoding.
In case of used Search for information, research Search for ideas, create diverse content in many fields
Release status Announced to introduce “prototype” on July 25, 2024 Announced November 2022


Overall, SearchGPT and ChatGPT are both potential tools that bring many high applications in many fields to help improve user experience.

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